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How to Plant Laughter and Grow Success - with Jeffrey Gurian

I have always considered myself imaginative, but it wasn’t until I met funny man, Jeffrey Gurian that I realized new ways to apply creativity. He reminds me of a character who escaped a Disney movie and entered Earth. I’m not certain if he’s part unicorn or alien only because I have never met anyone like him...

It’s not everyday that you meet someone who dresses their apartment like the set of Alice in Wonderland or who has a signature hairstyle, which he says is the product of electricity. Jeff, a well known figure in the comedy world, and I are definitely competing for who has the highest hair.

Right now, have a look at the setting you are in. Is it light or dark, neutral or colourful, decorative or messy? Does any part of your room make you want to get up and conquer the world, or at the very least... smile?

In order to get a glimpse into comedian Jeffrey's mind, let's take a look at his environment first.

As you walk into his home, balloons are floating across the floor (because he says it is a symbol of happiness and that you never find balloons at a funeral.) Spoons and flowers share vases, ornamental eggs have legs, both balloon soup and paper pasta are being prepared on the stove all for the purpose of feeding creativity and laughter.

"The only Environment you can control is your home. Once you leave your house, it's not up to you anymore." Therefore Jeff surrounds himself with fun toys and objects that make him feel good in order to create his own happiness center. Because happiness is power.

His carpet, piano and car are all white as he believes that white is a Healing color.

Not only is Jeffrey a master of his surroundings, but he's a master of his mind. He even cured himself from a severe stutter by taking action and using affirmative thoughts in order to heal his own 'heart wounds' and change his mind., which led to the creation of his new Best Seller on Amazon called “ Healing Your Heart, By Changing Your Mind - A Spritual and Humorous Approach To Achieving Happiness.” Find the book here.

Amongst many other things, he writes about adults having toys and the importance of play and staying connected to your inner child. "People think when they become adults you can’t have fun anymore." People who have fun, do more, think more, meet more people and lead better balanced lives.

When he was a child, Gurian had dreams of being a dentist but had been writing funny stories since he was 12 years old and wound up doing both things for many years. To this day he still continues to plant laughter and imagination to fuel his fire and his days.

'Everywhere you look should be something that makes you happy."

He couldn’t be more right.

Here are some tips I comprised to encourage planting the right seeds in order to grow that warm fuzzy sensation within which will lead to motivation and drive in order to achieve success.

1) Start your day with your favourite song of all time.

2) Buy that thing that makes your heart flutter at the thought but that you know is not a necessity. Do this every now and then, I’m definitely not trying to encourage debt.

3) 3 minute meditation. Think of 3 things you love about yourself, 3 things you're grateful for and 3 things you love.

4) And of course, exercise and eat right.

5) Visualize a goal of yours coming to fruition

‘We all have thoughts that are not valid which are often times negative, It’s Important to change that.’ I believe that Happy people become successful. But not all successful people are happy. So do not be afraid to embrace your inner child because everyone’s goal in life is to be happy and ultimately, Imagination is Power... To learn more on Jeffrey Gurian and how to incorporate more fun into your life visit his website here.

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