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How To Act to Get It All - with Larissa Zellmer

 Let's cut straight to it. When you believe you will have it all, you will have it all.  It's science, it's magic, it's religion... it's belief.

Just as I was conducting this interview, Larissa Zellmer hit 1600k subscribers on YouTube and not that this has any significance, or maybe it has much relevance to the topic below... but, we have, The. Same. Shoes.

Let me paint the visual before proceeding just so that we can all be on the same page.

Larissa: Nude wedges with a bow

Binx: Gold Glitter wedges with a bow

Alright, I'm glad we got that out of the way... 

Most of my muses for my "Shine A Light" blog features have noted that Los Angeles can be an extremely lonely city and it is difficult to make genuine friends. So what is it that drives us to stay and what makes it worth enduring the tumultuos wait amongst hundreds of thousands of people in line for their dream? Arguably, the drive for success, the opportunities or perhaps the endless smell of hope wafting through the air. Or perhaps, and most times it is this reason, that 'one-in-a-million' trembling thought of, 'It could be me.' 

Let's rewind to before the 14th of June, 2018. Larissa started off the traditional route and studied journalism in order to satisfy her parents, but not herself. She wanted to act since before she could remember around the ages of four or five but after depositing what must have seemed like endless hours of education, she fell into a depression of feeling like time was lost. She found herself applying to hundreds of jobs and not hearing anything back.

But in October of 2017, she finally decided to take the plunge and move to the land of palm trees and now her family is backing her all the way.

At first being in LA, Larissa says she felt like she was running on a hamster wheel. "I couldn't figure out what I wanted to," she says. Oscillating between Acting, Hosting and being a Youtuber as well as feeling as though everyone in Los Angeles had everything figured out, made her feel like she had missed the train, only to realize, no one has anything figured out here...

A bubbly and confident only child, from the small town, Jackson in Missouri and always seeing herself as being a rule follower, she realized that her three passions had one thing in common, and that was to entertain and be in front of the camera. And she is an absolute natural at it. 

She watched billions and billions (I am trying to be dramatic) hundreds of YouTube videos in order improve her own channel and grow her fanbase. Her videos are full of fun and glowing with her personality.

After an overwhelming first seven months here, Los Angeles has now granted Larissa more opportunities, more auditions and more brands reaching out for sponsored video posts. Her new mindset has evidently led to a callback for a hosting job she has had her eye on for over a year. 

Ever heard of, "Fake it 'till you make it?" 

1. Warm Up

You should stretch before doing anything. It's a great way to open up, breathe and it's just good sense to loosen your tight as* up.

Stretch your mind. Your way may not be the only way...

2. Play Pretend

Remember when we would play Barbies or WWF dolls - (maybe that was just me and my brother.) Ok, Superhero dolls and make-believe the most beautiful lives for our toys? 

Pretend you are in a movie of your perfect life. What objects are there? Who is there? What kind of relationships do you have? How much money do you have? The minute you visualize it, is when it will start to bubble into fruition.

3. Lights, Camera, Act-ion

Act as if your life depends on achieving all of your dreams and receiving whatever it is you want. Act the way you would if what you want is already yours. 


Larissa says she defines success by the enjoyment of her job and would be flexible with the outcome of her life as long as she is happy...

I could not imagine a more beautiful way to live your life. 

She advises to, ‘Stop comparing yourself. Everyone’s story is going to be different. No one’s success story can be the same.'

This couldn't be more true. Sometimes we are so starved for success that we don't wish to share our secrets in fear of someone else taking what we believe belongs to us... but that's the problem. The lack of sharing disconnects us from both the universe and the people. When we open up and help others, the more the universe will help us.

Who knows, maybe one day I will be sitting on a couch, back with Larissa at her very own talk show similar to the likes of Ellen Degeneres or maybe she will be gracing our screens as a world known movie actress. No one knows exactly how our lives are going to pan out. But Is it not better to have tried and failed than to stop living while you're alive?

By reading the last page or watching the end scene, we are immediately ruining the twinkling spark of what generates happiness and adventure and drive, and that little spark flickering around all of us is what we call, hope. Or perhaps it's just a spotlight from the moment you realize all your dreams have come true.

The difference between the winners and those who gave up all depends on how you choose to see the light.

So without further ado, Lights, Camera, screw all that, let's start Rolling...

For more on Larissa Zellmer, watch her YouTube videos here: 

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